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Speaking Engagments

What a wild ride it’s been! Since the release of “His Mosaic Masterpiece”, I’ve been blessed with opportunities to speak publicly about my book. The first speaking engagement I had was at my job.

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Red Bird Social Red Bird Social

They Never Forget How You Made Them Feel

I was brought into my new foster parents’ home in 1968. I was so scared! I cried constantly, and just wanted to go back home to my mom. I had no clue what was happening or why I was even there. As I began to settle in, I remember my foster parents showing me my very own bedroom.

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Red Bird Social Red Bird Social

Have You Seen the Shack?

I might not ever understand my past and why I had to experience such trauma as a child, but one thing I know for sure is that God was with me through it all. Even before I knew who He was!

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What is a Survivor?

I think an important aspect on dealing with trauma and fear is to first accept it. As much as I have always longed for a sense of love, family, and stability I have learned to accept my past for what it was. I mean if it wasn’t for my past, I would have never written a book.

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